ADAMS Ansel, 'Camera and Lens'
- ©Ansel Adams 1970
- First Revised Edition 1970 Second printing June 1971 Third printing September 1973 Fourth printing June (974 (Two lmpression Lithography)
- MORGAN & MORGAN, Ine. Publishers 145 Palisade St. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. 10522.
- International Standard Book Number 0-87100-056-3 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 48-2069 >

podcast 132 - Eye of the Beholder: Theories of Vision
- History of Philosophy, Peter ADAMSON
- link to website
- link to podcast
Ibn al-HAYTHAM draws on the tradition of geometrical optics to explain the mystery of human eyesight.

Rudolf ARNHEIM, Art and Visual Perception
- Gestalt theory and the psychology of visual perception form the basis for an analysis of art and its basic elements.
- ISBN 9780520026131
- Publication Year 1974
- 508 Pages
A psychology of the creative eye.
Since its publication fifty years ago, this work has established itself as a classic. It casts the visual process in psychological terms and describes the creative way one's eye organizes visual material according to specific psychological premises. In 1974 this book was revised and expanded, and since then it has continued to burnish Rudolf Arnheim's reputation as a groundbreaking theoretician in the fields of art and psychology.
Rudolf Arnheim is Professor Emeritus of the Psychology of Art at Harvard University. His books include Film as Art (California, 1957), Visual Thinking (1969), The Dynamics of Architectural Form (California, 1977), The Split and the Structure: Twenty-eight Essays (California, 1996).ucpress.edu

BENJAMIN Walter, 'The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction'
- Walter Benjamin (1968). Hannah Arendt (ed.).
- ISBN 9781407085500.
- Illuminations. London: Fontana.
"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,"
'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' (1935), by Walter Benjamin, is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of an objet d'art. That in the age of mechanical reproduction and the absence of traditional and ritualistic value, the production of art would be inherently based upon the praxis of politics. Written during the Nazi régime (1933–1945) in Germany, Benjamin presents a theory of art that is "useful for the formulation of revolutionary demands in the politics of art" in a mass-culture society. Wikipedia
The subject and themes of Benjamin's essay: the aura of a work of art; the artistic authenticity of the artefact; its cultural authority; and the aestheticization of politics for the production of art, became resources for research in the fields of art history and architectural theory, cultural studies and media theory.
GoodReads: Illuminations
Complete text of the manuscript: Marxists.org retrieved 2023-03-02

BERGER John, 'Ways of seeing'
- ISBN 0 563 122447
- free copy here:
- https://www.scribd.com/document/589706075/2-Ways-of-Seeing
"Based on the BBC television series, John Berger's Ways of Seeing is a unique look at the way we view art, published as part of the Penguin on Design series in Penguin Modern Classics.'Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.''But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but word can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled.' John Berger's Ways of Seeing is one of the most stimulating and influential books on art in any language. First published in 1972, it was based on the BBC television series about which the Sunday Times critic commented- 'This is an eye-opener in more ways than one- by concentrating on how we look at paintings . . . he will almost certainly change the way you look at pictures.' By now he has. If you enjoyed 'Ways of Seeing', you might like Susan Sontag's 'On Photography', also available in Penguin Modern Classics."

Digital Collage & Painting, Susan Ruddick BLOOM
- amazon.com
- Focal Press, ISBN-10 0240807057
- author: Susan Ruddick BLOOM
- 2006, there is a newer (more expensive) edition
Digital Collage and Painting proudly showcases the work of twenty-one talented digital artists. Each artist walks you through the creation of a piece of their art and lets you in on their secrets about equipment, software, favorite papers, and how their creative process begins. ...

Le miroir de la tyrannie espagnole perpétrée aux Indes occidentales
- CASAS, Bartolomé de las, (1474-1566)
- GYSIUS, Johannes ( .. 1652)
- Lons, Dirck Eversen, (ca 1599-....) & Vinckeboons, David, (1576-1629), graveurs.
- Jan Evertszoon Cloppenburch, Amsterdam, 1620, publisher
- Bibliothèque numérique mondiale
Illustrations are etchings after De Bry.
This volume, published in the Netherlands in 1620, contains French translations of two earlier works detailing Spanish crimes and atrocities in both Europe and the New World. The first part is an abridged version of 'Oorsprong en voortgang der Nederlandtscher beroerten' (Origin and progress of the disturbances in the Netherlands) by Johannes GYSIUS (died 1652), first published anonymously in 1616.
The second part is a translation of 'Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias' (A short account of the destruction of the Indies), written by Bartolomé de las CASAS (1474-1566) in 1542 and first published in 1552. These histories were published together under a new title by Jan Evertszoon Cloppenburch (1571-1648), an Amsterdam bookbinder and publisher of Bibles and patriotic and religious books and tracts associated with the Dutch Reformed Church. Gysius was a minister, whose book is a history of the Dutch revolt against Spain in 1555-98, containing accounts of such events as the sieges of Haarlem, Leiden, and other cities and the execution by the Spanish of Count Egmont in Brussels in 1568. Bartolomé de las Casas, known as the apostle of the Indians, was a Spanish priest and missionary who in 1502 sailed to Hispaniola on Columbus's third voyage. In 1512, he became the first priest to be ordained in the New World. He spent the next 35 years in the West Indies, where he campaigned against mistreatment and enslavement of the indigenous peoples by the Spanish conquerors. Brevísima relación, written for the court of King Charles I, was his most influential work. The book was frequently reprinted, alone or in combination with other works, in the Netherlands and in other countries struggling against the power of Spain in Europe and the Americas. Both parts of the Cloppenburch edition are illustrated with lurid engravings showing the events described in the text. World Digital Library.
Wikimedia: Date 27 April 2015; Source: Own work; Author:Ambre Troizat

'Chromorama: How Colour Changed Our Way of Seeing'
- A Paperback edition by Riccardo FALCINELLI (3 Nov 2022)
- ISBN-13 9780241573792
- Format: Paperback, Publishers: Penguin Books Ltd
- 480 pages
YouTube video: How colour changed our way of seeing | Riccardo Falcinelli I RSA REPLAY
The Italian colour bible: a gorgeously illustrated exploration of colour and the modern gaze, from an award-winning designer.'Fresh and exciting, like an unopened packet of coloured pencils. Countless thought-provoking facts to ponder over, beautifully written' Coralie Bickford-Smith, author of The Fox and the Star.
Why are pencils yellow and white goods white? Why is black the colour of mourning? What connects Queen Victoria's mauve gown and Michelle Obama's yellow dress?
In Chromorama, acclaimed graphic designer Riccardo Falcinelli delves deep into the history of colour to show how it has shaped the modern gaze. With over four hundred illustrations throughout and with examples ranging widely across art and culture - from the novels of Gustave Flaubert to The Simpsons, from Byzantine jewellery to misshapen fruit, from Mondrian to Hitchcock's thrillers - Falcinelli traces the evolution of our long relationship with colour, and how first the industrial revolution, and then the dawn of the internet age, changed it forever.
Beautifully designed, deeply researched, and written with warmth and wit, Chromoroma is an engrossing account of shade and light, of tone and hue, of dyes, pigments, and pixels. It is the story of why we now see the world the way we do.
Riccardo Falcinelli is an award-winning graphic designer and best-selling author whose work has been highly acclaimed in Italy and around the world. He teaches at the ISIA Faculty of Design in Rome.
Google Books (exerpt)

See/Saw, Looking at Photographs
- DYER, Geoff
- english
- E-book, 9781644451403
- 04 mei 2021 Adobe ePub
A lavishly illustrated history of photography in essays by the author of 'Otherwise Known as the Human Conditions'.
See/Saw shows how photographs frame and change our perspective on the world. Taking in photographers from early in the last century to the present day—including artists such as Eugène Atget, Vivian Maier, Roy DeCarava, and Alex Webb—the celebrated writer Geoff Dyer offers a series of moving, witty, prescient, surprising, and intimate encounters with images.
Dyer has been writing about photography for thirty years, and this tour de force of visual scrutiny and stylistic flair gathers his lively, engaged criticism over the course of a decade. A rich addition to Dyer’s The Ongoing Moment, and heir to Roland Barthes’s Camera Lucida, Susan Sontag’s On Photography, and John Berger’s Understanding a Photograph, See/Saw shows how a photograph can simultaneously record and invent the world, revealing a brilliant seer at work. It is a paean to art and art writing by one of the liveliest critics of our day.

Wendy EWALD, "I Wanna Take Me A Picture: Teaching Photography and Writing to Children"
- ERIC Number: ED465717
- ISBN: ISBN-0-8070-3140-2
- Pages: 176
- Publication Date: 2001
"Drawing on the author's classroom experiences and the curriculum in a program she established called "Literacy through Photography," the book presents a guide to teaching children to express themselves with photographic images. The book includes over 60 black and white photographs as well as anecdotes about the author's work. Five sections follow the process used in the classroom. They are: "Learning to Read Photographs"; "Literacy through Photography"; "Getting Technical"; "Using Photography in the Classroom"; and "Using Photography in Communities." These chapters focus on learning to read photos, framing, symbols, time, the camera, the darkroom, film, negatives, prints, and writing about the images that have been created. The book suggests sample photo assignments and discusses how children's photos can help children understand their feelings and how visual arts can help develop verbal abilities and critical thinking. It also discusses how the "Literacy through Photography" program has led to the development of other school projects on race and prejudice. Resources and readings are included." (SM)
text: Institute of Education Sciences
'What Resulted When a Photographer Gave Rural Children Cameras'
- Wendy EWALD: magazine article written by Andrea K. Scott
- May 31, 2018
- accessed 2-12-2024
- the Newyorker.com
"Since 1975, the American artist has been entwining photography, activism, and education in a series of collaborations that upend our prevailing ideas of authorship and authority. For months, even years, at a time, she has moved into rural communities around the world—from Mexico and Morocco to India and the Netherlands—to teach local children how to use cameras".

Robert FRANK, 'Lines of my Hand'
- Steidl
- $35.00 (6-9-2023)
- Pbk, 9 x 12 in. / 102 pgs / 160 b&w.
- Pub Date: 2/27/2018 | ISBN 9783958293205
The book was originally published by Yugensha in Tokyo in 1972, and this new Steidl edition, made in close collaboration with Frank, follows and updates the first US edition by Lustrum Press of 1972
The Lines of My Hand is structured chronologically and presents selections from every stage of Frank’s work until 1972—from early photos in Switzerland in 1945–46, to images of his travels in Peru, Paris, Valencia, London and Wales, and to contact sheets from his 1955–56 journey through the US that resulted in The Americans. Here too are intimate photos of Frank’s young family, later photo-collages and stills from films including Pull My Daisy and About Me: A Musical.

Teaching (with) Postcards: Approaches in the classroom, the field, and the community
- Mascha GUGGANIG, Technical University Munich & Sophie SCHOR
- Published: 2020-04-16
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22582/ta.v9i2
- https://www.teachinganthropology.org/ojs/index.php/teach_anth/article/view/560
This issue of Teaching Anthropology contrasts with the unprecedented times that we are currently living in. As the COVID 19 pandemic closes educational insitutions and individuals practice social isolation and online learning, this Issue focuses on active experiential learning. The articles explore different ways that anthropology can take students out of the classroom to engage in collaborative research, ranging from community engagement, social justice, walking as an ethnographic tool, performative integration, as well as public and environmental anthropology. In these reflexive teaching practices students examine their positionality and see how anthropology can transform the way we communicate and work within the world around us.
Image: 1918 influenza epidemic St. Louis Red Cross Motor Corps personnel wear masks as they hold stretchers next to ambulances in preparation for victims of the influenza epidemic in October 1918. (Library of Congress)

David HOCKNEY & Martin GAYFORD, 'A History of Pictures' From the cave to the computerscreen
- 18 oktober 2016
- 360 pages
- EAN 9781419722752
A new, compact edition of David Hockney and Martin Gayford’s brilliantly original book, with a revised final chapter and three entirely new Hockney artworks
"A picture, says David Hockney, is the only way that we can communicate what we see. Here, in a collaboration with art critic Martin Gayford, he explores the many ways that artists have pictured the world, sharing sparkling insights and ideas that will delight every art lover and art maker. Readers who thrilled to Hockney's Secret Knowledge know that he has an uncanny ability to get into the minds of artists. In A History of Pictures he covers far more ground, getting at the roots of visual expression and technique through hundreds of images'from cave paintings to frames from movies'that are reproduced. It's a joyful celebration of one of humanity's oldest impulses."
text: bol.com

'Secret Knowledge'
- David Hockney about optical aids for Renaissance painters
- BBC, David Hockney's Secret Knowledge [HD + AI Upscaled]
Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters
"Join one of the most influential artists of our time as he investigates the painting techniques of the Old Masters. Hockney's extensive research led him to conclude that artists such as Caravaggio, Velázquez, da Vinci, and other hyperrealists actually used optics and lenses to create their masterpieces. .."

Alexandra HOROWITZ, 'On Looking: A Walker's Guide to the Art of Observation'
- ISBN-13: 9781439191262
- Publisher: Scribner
- Publication date: 04/15/2014
- Pages: 320
"Horowitz shows how much more there is to see—if only we would really look. Trained as a cognitive scientist, she discovers a feast of fascinating detail, all explained with her generous humor and self-deprecating tone. So turn off the phone and other electronic devices and be in the real world—where strangers communicate by geometry as they walk toward one another, where sounds reveal shadows, where posture can display humility, and the underside of a leaf unveils a Lilliputian universe—where, indeed, there are worlds within worlds within worlds."
text: www.barnesandnoble.com

GROSS Charles G.: 'Ibn al-Haytham on Eye and Brain, Vision and Perception'
- Published on: 28th September 2012
- muslimheritage.com/ibn-haytham-eye-brain/
Ibn al-Haytham was the major figure in the study of optics and vision in the Middle Ages and his influence was pervasive for over 500 years. In this article, Professor Charles G. Gross, a renowned neurophysiologist of vision, outlines his original theory of vision and describes aspects which are less well known, namely Ibn al-Haytham's insights into visual physiology and visual perception. Professor Gross concludes that, although Ibn al-Haytham's unique synthesis of physics, mathematics and physiology into a new theory of vision and its historical importance have been recognized, his insights into the psychology of perception and their influence remains an important and potentially fertile area of research.

The Science of Vision, Eye Health & Seeing Better
- Spotify podcast
- YouTube"The Science of Vision, Eye Health & Seeing Better" | Huberman Lab Podcast #24
This is an example of book description
Describes how we see, meaning how our eyes focus, convert light information into electricity the rest of the brain can understand and how our brain creates the incredible thing we experience as 'sight'. He also describes how we can train and support our visual system to improve at any age. He describes more than a dozen protocols to support depth perception, offset near-sightedness, improve mood, sleep, and our ability to focus (both visual focus and our mental focus generally). I also explain how to use eyesight to improve our levels of alertness and why visual hallucinations, lazy eyes and colorblindness occur. And also describes various compounds that may assist in supporting visual health and possibly improve our vision. Many simple, zero-cost protocols and a lot of scientific mechanisms are covered in this episode in clear language anyone can understand-- it is for anyone that values their brain and whether eyesight, young, adult-age or advanced age.

see slide:
Christian Huygens découvrant Saturne
The Lens Production by Christiaan and Constantijn Huygens
- Article in 'Annals of Science', February 1999
- DOI: 10.1080/000337999296535
- Source: PubMed
- 2 authors including: Robert Harry VAN GENT
- Utrecht University
"Ever since they began to take an interest in lens grinding, the brothers Christiaan and Constantijn Huygens searched for high-quality glass to turn in to lenses. Historical research in combination with optical measurements on preserved lenses has allowed the verification of the lenses ground by the brothers, and also provided information on who helped them with the necessary knowledge and material."

See Saw
- Verlag Lars Müller
- ISBN 3-906700-73-9
- 1994, Switzerland
This book is a seesaw; it will not work without players.
Every pictue in this collection of optical illusions rests on a different phenomenon.
Each experiment requires patience and more or less actively strenuous participation.
Readers blink, stare, cross their eyes; they observe in semi-darkness and look with their eyes closed. They shake the book or turn it. They touch it with their noses or look at the pictures with the help of special tools.
Of similar interest: Knuchel, H. und Nänni, J. (1991) - BLAU. GELB. ROT. Farb-Anagramme -
Lars Müller Publishers, CH-5401 Baden, - ISBN 3-906 700-41-0 with many more projects and examples.

Paul Martin LESTER, 'Visual Communication, Images with Messages'
- Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Lex Publishing
- 715 pages
- PDF 38,2 Mb
The first truly comprehensive text for the viscom course, this text develops visual literacy by exploring and showing the role of images in the communication process.

George NELSON, 'How to See' A guide to reading our manmade environment
- ISBN 0-316-50312-0
- Amazon.com
'How to See': A Guide to Reading Our Man-Made Environment Paperback – January 1, 2003
'How to See' was originally published in 1977. This reedition is updated and in color. More than a guide to visual appreciation, this is a book about how to recognize, evaluate, and understand the objects and landscape of the man-made world. The pursuit of design is not about the way things appear, but rather about the way things give meaning and relevance to the human experience.

Foundations of Modern Art
by Amedee OZENFANT (Author)- Publisher: Dover - New York (January 1, 1952)
- Language: English
- Paperback: 368 pages, 256 illustrations
- ISBN-10: 0486202151, ISBN-13: 978-0486202150
Publisher's Description
"This is not simply an art history, or a treatise on aesthetics, but a living imprisonment of the creative process in prose. Its limitless store of insights expressed in aphorism, and its unparalleled choice of illustration make it invaluable for all persons interested in art."
Amédée OZENFANT (15 April 1886 – 4 May 1966) was a French cubist painter and writer. Together with Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (later known as Le Corbusier) he founded the Purist movement. wikipedia
'Beter Leren Kijken'
- Stefan van der STIGCHEL
- Maven Publishing
- 2024
- 978 94 9321 370 8
Visuele skills in een wereld vol afleiding
"Een leuk, makkelijk leesbaar boek over Aandachtig Kijken, vol anekdotes die ik (gelukkig) lang niet allemaal kende. Af en toe een oefening of een tip. Voor mensen die beter willen leren kijken (of luisteren) én willen leren hoe hun aandacht goed te richten, een absolute aanrader." https://bureaukardol.nl/boek-beter-leren-kijken/
Miksang Photography
- Miksang Academy
- Hèlen VINK
- Zandvoort - the Netherlands
- miksang.eu
Miksang Photography helps dissolve the veil of thoughts
A training in gentle focussing and decisive genuine photographic expression. So you become available to the ordinary beauty of your unique daily world. Slow down and simultaneously empower yourself from your source of creativity with your mind, heart and eyes aligned.
das Selbstportrait
- im Zeitalter der Photographie - Maler und Photographen inm Dialog mit sich selbst
- L'autoportrait a l'ãge de la photographie - Peintres et photographes en dialogue avec leur propre image.
- Conception de l'exposition et du catalogue - Konzeption von Ausstellung und Katalog: Erika BILLITER,
Bentelli Verlag 1985 Switzerland
© 1985 Musée cantonal des Beaux Arts Lausanne
Couverture/Umschlag: Pablo, Picasso: Le peintre au travail, 1965.
Photographe: Vérifie le temps de pose, vers 1900 (détail).
Musée cantonal des Beaux Arts Lausanne 18. Januar – 24. März 1985, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart 19. April – 9. Juni 1985, Akademie der Künste Berlin 1. September – 6. Oktober 1985

'Iedereen kan beter leren kijken'
NRC: Arjen van VEELEN is niet zo van de zelfverbetering. Maar beter leren kijken, dát zou hij wel willen.
Gepubliceerd op 2 februari 2024. Leestijd 6 minuten
"Als een bordwisser veeg je alles uit wat je tot dan toe van de wereld dacht te hebben gezien"
Bijzonder essay, aanrader:

Wicked Arts Education
- VALIZ Foundation
- Authors: Melissa Bremmer, Emiel Heijnen, Folkert Haanstra. Co-editor: Sanne Kersten. Design: Laura Pappa
- November 2024, Valiz supported by Amsterdam University of the Arts | Pb | 192 pp. | 22 x 15 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-94-93246-38-6 | € 22,50
- https://valiz.nl/en/publications/wicked-arts-education
Wicked Arts Education — Worksheets
Wicked Arts Education helps you to design exciting arts educational programmes from scratch. These arts programmes make a meaningful connection between the culture of the student, the arts, and society. We have tested our arts educational design strategies around the world and found that they challenge arts educators to explore curriculum ideas collectively, creatively and productively.

Being You, A New Science of Consciousness
- Anil SETH
- amazon.nl
- English Paperback 9780571337729 01 sept 2022 368 pages
- https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/12/25/onze-perceptie-van-de-buitenwereld-is-een-illusie-de-beste-gok-van-het-brein-van-wat-er-aan-de-hand-is-a4877316#main-content
Anil Seth's radical new theory of consciousness challenges our understanding of perception and reality, doing for brain science what Dawkins did for evolutionary biology.
"Your brain tries to figure out what is happening in your environment. But it's locked inside a skull, where it's dark and quiet. There are only electrical signals, colorless, soundless, full of noise. Based on this, and on previous experiences, the brain must estimate what is happening. This can only be done by testing expectations against new signals that arrive and adjusting them if there are errors in the prediction. What we consciously experience is the brain's best guess as to what is going on.”
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